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Smino | Tour Diaries Vol. 2

Smino’s ‘Louphoria’ tour was indeed a movie. Watch what went down on Smino’s tour in episode 2 of our ‘Tour Diaries’ series

Phenomenal scenes all around at Smino’s Louphoria tour. Louphoria, the Smino tour, gets its name from a track featured on his latest album, Luv 4 Rent, inspired by his home town, St. Louis. [P.s. we highlighted Luv 4 Rent as one of last year’s best Alternative Rap albums]. ‘Louphoria’ was also a fitting name for the Smino tour as it was opened by the fast-rising R&B singer / rapper, Jordan Ward. Jordan Ward is also from St. Louis.

We got to witness one of the two London shows at O2 Forum Kentish town on Tuesday 25 April 2023. And the night did not disappoint. Truly incredible vibes and scenes. Smino has made a name for himself as an artist like none other. Even within the ‘alternative hip hop’ scene, Smino is set apart as a Neo-Soul rapper with a unique cadence. And moreover, a uniquely southern drawl.

Jordan Ward’s open

Jordan Ward was the perfect opening act and gave a very high energy performance. With natural charisma, stage presence and cuts from his new album, FORWARD, Ward quickly won over the crowd. By the end of Jordan’s set the crowd was shouting back his name. It set the tone for the kind of night it was going to be.

Smino Tour ft. Jordan Ward, Louphoria Tour

Euphoria on the Smino tour

So the minute Smino hit the stage, the crowd went absolutely wild and sustained this energy all night. The London crowd had all the lyrics down and screamed them out all night. It was clear that this was a long-awaited moment for Smino’s London fans.

The stage design, featuring a mushroom garden, denoted the euphoric atmosphere. Yet another way that the tour delivers on its name. Get into our one minute recap of the one and only rapper of his kind, Smino in Episode 2 of our Tour Diaries series above.

Smino Tour ft. Jordan Ward, Louphoria Tour

The Blues Project is the voice of emerging new-age R&B & Soul Music talent. Find your faves with curated content on the ones to watch.

The Blues Project is the tribe for lovers of forward-thinking R&B and Soul music. Discover new-age R&B, Neo-Soul, Alt/Indie Soul, Soulful Rap & More