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Shreta gives all the ‘Instructions’, Kemi Ade, Nicole Thalia, Meron Addis, Mnelia, Track of the Week

New R&B Music Shreta Instructions

This week’s track of the week arrives to us via Melbourne, Australia. The soulfully talented Shreta blessed us with her latest release, ‘Instructions’. For those not yet familiar with Shreta, she released a track last year titled ‘Cruise’ which is a complete vibe!

‘Instructions’ touches on the theme of not needing to have a played out script when in a relationship. Sonically, the song is truly flawless. The smoothly endearing piano led beat with subtle drums provide an open canvas for Shreta to lay down vocals which are truly mesmerising. In many ways, Instructions is a refreshing throwback to what we are currently hearing in contemporary trap led R&B. The laid back vibe on production meshes wonderfully with Shreta’s heartwarming tone and storytelling songwriting throughout. 

We recently caught up with Shreta, where she delved into what the process of creating ‘Instructions’ was like as well as her next musical moves.

What was creating new music like during the pandemic?

When I started to write ‘Instructions’ , my city (Melbourne, Australia) was in complete lockdown. It felt so strange and bittersweet that during a time of complete quiet and isolation, that I was writing and creating the best music that I have ever made. It was also a huge reality-check for me, that I didn’t need fancy or expensive equipment and studio-time to create music and that everything I needed, I already had. Creating this song, under these conditions forced me to become a lot more resourceful and introspective with my music.

What inspired Instruction?

The song is about how there are no instructions to love and relationships, and that we all make mistakes along the way and have to ultimately, work it out for ourselves. “I can’t read a handbook on love”, which I put in the second verse because it’s just so true to me. Like, if there is a handbook, I want one lol. But I have always felt like I don’t know what I’m doing in relationships and I guess that is literally the inspiration.

What do you have planned next musically?

I am so excited to be writing and creating more this year than I ever have before, so I’m sure you’ll be hearing and seeing a lot more of me now. This song, to me, is really just a beautiful introduction to the music I’m going to be creating, and just a small teaser of what’s to come from me.

Be sure to check out the new single above as we genuinely feel this is really just the beginning of an artist that is set to add Australian-inspired R&B on the map!

Other new music we’re loving…

Joel Culpepper – Return / W.A.R

Kemi Ade – Promise

Nicole Thalia – Apocalypse

Meron Addis – Where We Left Off

LANDEL – Breaking You Up

Mnelia – Shoot

Zanillya – Sacrifices

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The Blues Project is the tribe for lovers of forward-thinking R&B and Soul music. Discover new-age R&B, Neo-Soul, Alt/Indie Soul, Soulful Rap & More