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Ari Lennox | Tour Diaries Vol. 4

Photo credit: @anglesbangles

Ari Lennox’s concert was magical. Watch what went down on Ari Lennox’s tour and be mesmerised by her superstar performance

We keep saying it. Ari Lennox is THAT R&B girl. Ari Lennox’s Age/Sex/Location tour proved it. The Ari Lennox concert and world tour was magical, with a perfection that left us feeling euphoric. We were lucky enough to go along to Ari’s second of two shows in London on 16 May 2023.

The love for Ari was plain to see as Eventim Apollo was full to the brim. Furthermore, you could feel the anticipation in the room as everyone waited eagerly till she hit the stage at 9.30pm.

Highlights from the Ari Lennox tour

1. The mesmerising opener to Ari Lennox’s concert

It was clear from the minute Ari Lennox hit the stage that we were in for a treat. In fact, as she started the set from behind curtains, the room was filled with loud cheering. As Ari Lennox sang ‘POF‘, the opening track from her sophomore album, Age/Sex/Location, we happily sang along. Still we waited eagerly to see our girl herself. And after a few lines, the curtains were pulled back to reveal Ari and her touring party. As you can imagine, the crowd then cheered at fever pitch.

Ari Lennox show tour

2. The stunning set

Not only did the curtains reveal a stunning Ari but also a resplendent set. Ari and her team clearly gave thought to the overall production value of this tour. They used sheer white fabric to create a set that was both simple and beautifully magical.

Ari Lennox concert

3. Ari Lennox concert’s effortless perfection

With her award show and TV performance appearances, Ari has established herself as one of the best vocalists out. But seeing her perform a 90 minute set at her concert. She looked at home on stage, comfortably and seemingly effortlessly owning the stage. Her vocals were effortless and silky smooth. Moreover she seems to love her music, passionately delivering each song. She is the essence of a professional performer.

4. The backing vocalists

The vocal perfection extended beyond Ari Lennox to her backing vocalists too. Notably and a testament to her heart, each of Ari’s BVs got a solo segment to showcase their talent. Every single one of them SANG DOWN, giving us exceptional vocals.

Ari Lennox and BVs Ari Lennox concert
Photo credit: @anglesbangles

5. J Cole’s surprise appearance

Undoubtedly, the moment that absolutely brought the house down was J. Cole coming out. This moment was especially sweet as it was also a surprise for Ari herself. The look of shock on her face as J. Cole appeared on stage during his verse on Shea Butter Baby was priceless. The crowd absolutely lost their minds, screaming so loudly J. Cole couldn’t hear himself rap.

It was an all around sensational night. This Ari Lennox concert established her as a star of this generation. If you get a chance to see her live, get those tickets. It will be a magical experience start to finish.

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The Blues Project is the tribe for lovers of forward-thinking R&B and Soul music. Discover new-age R&B, Neo-Soul, Alt/Indie Soul, Soulful Rap & More