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Round-up 18/04

Twenty88 -Jhene Aiko and Big Sean - The Blues Project

James Blake’s nearly Radio Silence

After 3 years since his last album and 2 years of teasing, James Blake stopped by BBC Radio 1 and spilled a few lil bits – the album is titled ‘Radio Silence’, has 18 tracks, including a 20-minute long set. He also premiered ‘Timeless’, a track that is has the distinctly James Blake feel we’ve come to know – eerie delivery and a level of sparseness in the backing music. But this one might be better appreciated by the more open-minded and adventurous listener. At a point, the music goes into a frenetic rhythm but Blake’s voice guides the listener expertly through the storm. Worth a listen even if you don’t think of yourself as one for experimenting – James Blake’s voice is a gem you can’t simply exclude yourself from.

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The Blues Project is the tribe for lovers of forward-thinking R&B and Soul music. Discover new-age R&B, Neo-Soul, Alt/Indie Soul, Soulful Rap & More